FAIRY GARDENS ~ KITS ~ CUSTOM Create your own magical garden. *Fairies *Princesses Kits overflowing with everything needed. Pure fun!


We believe in spreading joy, kindness and creativity through the magical discovery and interactions of miniature themed gardens and Positive, Pleasing Jewelry. Explore the possibilities that Secret Garden Wishes can create for you.


Fairy gardens

Creating a garden that takes you away is Cindy’s specialty. Her gardens are for all ages and range from a single garden to a whole community and can even include a water feature. Each and every garden is unique in its own way because Cindy adds special touches just for you.


Themed gardens

If you can dream it, Cindy can make it come alive. From Batman to Tinkerbell, to reading to travel check out these amazing gardens. She can even use an item of yours to create the ultimate personal gift..


Garden kits

Cindy’s garden kits offer the same magical design just in a DIY package where you create the magic. From a teacup to a washtub to whatever she can dream up, these beautiful and easily manageably gardens make the perfect gift for garden lovers of all ages.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


+1 714 397 3892